Tag Archives: rue

Plants That Repel Insects ( How To Keep Pests Away)

Plants That Repel Insects

Firstly, not all insects are bad for the garden, and we want to attract the good ones. But there are a lot of insects that cause damage, and even death to our plants. So here’s the growing-guides plants that repel insects(the bad ones). Plants That Repel Insects There are many plants that have the reputation of deterring pests, and here’s a few to get us started. So to start let’s look at how plants repel insects, there are some plants that give off an odour to repel insects, and others that exude chemicals to repel insects. Plants That Repel Insects-Flowers… → Read More

Companion Planting Cucumbers

Companion Planting Cucumbers

There are not many plants that don’t benefit from companion planting, which is another way of saying inter cropping. By companion planting cucumbers you will get less plant damage, healthier plants, and heavier crops. How Does Companion Planting Cucumbers Work? In some cases companion planting works by saving space, growing two or more plants that have the same requirements allows them all to grow successfully. Some plants will deter pests away from your cucumber plants, and some will attract beneficial pollinators. Whilst others will actually improve the health of your plants. Companion Planting Cucumbers Let’s get started with the good… → Read More

Companion Planting Sage

Companion Planting Sage

My son has a large pot full of sage and on my last visit I took a small cutting as sage will root easily. It’s a handy herb to use and companion planting sage will deter many pests and attract beneficial insects as well. Companion Planting Sage Sage deters cabbage white butterflies, flea beetles, and carrot root flies. Companion planting sage will benefit these plants:- Broccoli and Sage Plagued by cabbage white caterpillars, broccoli will benefit from the strong aroma from sage which will repel cabbage whites. As with all brassicas, broccoli is also susceptible to flea beetle damage and… → Read More

How To Get Rid Of Aphids On Roses (without chemicals)

How To Get Rid Of Aphids On Roses (without chemicals)

There’s nothing better than a healthy rose in full bloom to brighten up the garden but aphids can sap your plants health. There are many chemical applications for sale that claim to clear aphids but what harm are they doing to the environment? How to get rid of aphids on roses without chemicals gives you the safer and also the prettier alternatives. If you’ve come to this page then you probably already have an issue with aphids so read on for the best organic cures for aphid infestations on roses. For the most effective Sprays To Get Rid Of Aphids… → Read More

Companion Planting Figs

companion planting figs

Man has been cultivating figs for at least 10,000 years and probably before that. During that time, many growing combinations will have been tried. We don’t need trial and error as we have all of that combined knowledge of companion planting figs to draw upon, The benefits of companion planting are well known and scientifically proven to improve plant health and growth. Fig companion planting is an interesting one as most figs do better with confined roots. This means that we need to be mindful that companion plants will be in competition for nutrients. Companion Planting Figs I mentioned confining… → Read More

Companion Planting Rue

Companion Planting Rue

Often found in homeopathic remedies, rue (ruta graveolens) also known as herb of grace is a beneficial companion plant. Companion planting rue will help to deter many pests including aphids, flea beetles, onionfly larvae, beetles, slugs, and snails. Take care when handling rue as it can cause skin irritation. Companion Planting Rue A mediterranean herb rue will tolerate hot, dry soils and is widely grown as an ornamental plant. It is a toxic plant and eating large quantities will cause vomiting, stomach pain, and even death. The benefits of companion planting rue are worth while however as long as you… → Read More

Crop Rotation After Garlic

Crop Rotation After Garlic

I work to a 4 crop rotation plan, and in my plan the plant family that falls into crop rotation after garlic is solanum. That is the nightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, chillies, and aubergines. Garlic Crop Rotation Garlic and onions should follow brassicas, and be followed by potatoes. In a 4 crop rotation system garlic is only in the same bed every 4 years. This will keep soil bound pests and diseases at a minimum and improve the health of all crops. For the following year, as garlic is not a very heavy feeding plant, it should not… → Read More

Herbs As Companion Plants

Herbs As Companion Plants

Herbs are one of the most used plants in the kitchen, and everyone has their own favourite herb. Did you know that using herbs as companion plants not only look good in your garden, but also benefit your other plants as well. think of the luscious aromas of summer, thyme, lavender, basil, oregano, Marjory, sage… I could go on forever. All of the herbs below will benefit your garden as well as your table. It’s time to get into the wonderful world of companion planting herbs. What Is Companion Planting? Companion planting is a system of growing plants together to… → Read More

Plants That Repel Aphids [Top Plants To Get Rid Of Aphids]

Plants That Repel Aphids

There are many plants that repel aphids and in recent years there has been much scientific research into this subject, the NCBI, the National Centre for Biotechnology Information in the U S A (see link below) is just one source of new information. Their research is quite in depth but It all comes down to observing nature and applying what you see to your own plot. So the following is all about plants that repel aphids but could easily be titled… Companion Plants. According to the NCBI plants repel aphids by :- Disguising the aroma of the host plant Changing… → Read More