Tag Archives: rhododendron

Companion Planting Figs

companion planting figs

Man has been cultivating figs for at least 10,000 years and probably before that. During that time, many growing combinations will have been tried. We don’t need trial and error as we have all of that combined knowledge of companion planting figs to draw upon, The benefits of companion planting are well known and scientifically proven to improve plant health and growth. Fig companion planting is an interesting one as most figs do better with confined roots. This means that we need to be mindful that companion plants will be in competition for nutrients. Companion Planting Figs I mentioned confining… → Read More

The Top Five Poisonous Plants for Dogs

the top five poisonous plants for dogs

Most people like to have a nice garden with pleasant flowers brightening it up. If you share your garden with your dog you might be surprised at just how dangerous some of these plants can be to our canine friends. So to help you and your pets stay safe, here is the top five poisonous plants for dogs. The Top Five Poisonous Plants for Dogs Daffodils Daffodils or Narcissi bloom in early Spring, but the danger starts in Autumn when the bulbs are planted. Not only are the daffodil bulbs poisonous to dogs but also the flowers and just as… → Read More