Tag Archives: caraway

Companion Planting Fennel

Companion Planting Fennel

Most herbs are a useful ally to the organic gardener, but there is one that is the exception to that rule. That one is fennel, which is a shame because fennel is a great plant for keeping pests away. So let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of companion planting fennel. Companion Planting Fennel There are so many plants that won’t grow anywhere near fennel that it’s best to keep it away from pretty much everything. That said, there are a few worth mentioning so read on for some of the more interesting effects of companion planting fennel. The following… → Read More

companion plants for cherry trees

Companion Plants for Cherry Trees

The idea of companion planting is to grow plants that compliment each other in some way. companion plants for cherry trees are mainly used to attract helpful pollinators like bees. Cherry trees blossom very early in spring, so it’s vital to get the flowers pollinated by early pollinators if you want those blossoms to become cherries. companion plants for cherry trees There are a few things to consider when growing cherry trees, not least of all, how wet the ground is. Cherries don’t tolerate standing water, so if your area is very wet and you have sodden soil maybe cherries… → Read More

Weeds As Soil Indicators

Weeds As Soil Indicators

There is an old story about a blind man who is looking at a piece of land for his daughter to purchase, he asks the seller to describe the land to him. After a short description he asks for a list of weeds growing on the land and makes his decision to buy based on that description. It’s a nice story and whether it’s true or not it does demonstrate the use of weeds as soil indicators. To be that knowledgeable about how plants grow in certain conditions that you don’t even have to see it to know would be… → Read More

What Grows Well With Strawberries

What Grows Well With Strawberries

Strawberries are the very epitome of summer, the taste, the look and nothing is as nice as picking a ripe strawberry from your own garden. Most of us have limited space, so companion planting is always going to be the best option. So let’s find out what grows well with strawberries. What Are Strawberries? The fruit of the strawberry plant is probably one of the most recognised fruits in the world. They are grown in most temperate zones and are used to flavour many sweets, ices and shakes. Their name is a misnomer, they are not actually berries at all…. → Read More

Herbs As Companion Plants

Herbs As Companion Plants

Herbs are one of the most used plants in the kitchen, and everyone has their own favourite herb. Did you know that using herbs as companion plants not only look good in your garden, but also benefit your other plants as well. think of the luscious aromas of summer, thyme, lavender, basil, oregano, Marjory, sage… I could go on forever. All of the herbs below will benefit your garden as well as your table. It’s time to get into the wonderful world of companion planting herbs. What Is Companion Planting? Companion planting is a system of growing plants together to… → Read More