Tag Archives: brassicas

Companion Planting Parsley

Companion Planting Parsley

Most plants either give or receive some benefit from being planted in companion with others. Not all plants, there are some exceptions but generally plants do better when planted together. Companion planting parsley is no exception so read on for what to grow with parsley and what not to grow with parsley. Companion Planting Parsley There are 2 main types of parsley, flat leaf parsley, and curly parsley. There are also 5 main varieties of parsley and all originated in Europe. Parsley is a biennial plant so it will give out it’s benefits for 2 seasons. Don’t just take my… → Read More

Companion Planting Dill

Companion Planting Dill

This attractive herb is popular with chefs for use with fish dishes. It is also popular with beneficial insects like bees, hoverflies, and predatory wasps. There are many plants that will benefit from companion planting dill. Companion Planting Dill With its dainty, feathery leaves, and pretty yellow flower heads, dill makes a great herb to brighten any garden. For the organic gardener, it is a great companion plant and well worth growing. Below are the plants that will benefit the most from companion planting with dill. Brassicas and Dill Brassica is the family name for the cabbage group of plants… → Read More

companion planting petunias

companion planting petunias

Petunias are a great garden annual flower, they come in a variety of styles and colours. More importantly for the vegetable grower, petunias repel many garden pests. By companion planting petunias you will have a great display that is relatively pest free. companion planting petunias The list of plants that are improved in some way by companion planting petunias is a long one. Before we get into it, let’s look at what insects petunias deter. What Insects Are Repelled By Petunias? Petunias have a reputation among gardeners as being the go to plant for repelling certain pests. These include:- Asparagus… → Read More

Companion Planting Brassicas

Companion Planting Brassicas

All plants growing in the wild, grow in companion to other plants, so it’s ok to do this in your garden. However, there are some plants that do better with others, and some that will be problematic. Companion planting brassicas will give your brassica plants the best companions, and show you what not to grow with brassicas. What Are Brassicas? In easy terms, brassicas are all members of the cabbage family, and so members include:- Cabbage Cauliflowers Broccoli Calabrese Kale Brussel Sprouts Collard Greens There are also some members of the brassica family that might surprise you, like Turnips Kohlrabi… → Read More

What to Grow in February

What To Grow In February

If you’re anything like me, by the end of January you can’t wait to start the growing season off again. Well this post will give you all the information you need to get srated as soon as the calendar turns. So let’s have a look at what to grow in February. What to Grow in February If you have the luxury of a greenhouse, even a unheated greenhouse, there’s a wide range of plants you can grow in February. If you don’t have a greenhouse then your options are slightly more limited but don’t despair. There are many ways to… → Read More

Companion Planting Cauliflowers

Companion Planting Cauliflower

Cauliflowers are a member of the brassica family, and like all members of that family they have certain likes and dislikes . To find out more follow me as we learn all about companion planting cauliflowers. Why Companion Plant? Plants do better surrounded by other plants, for instance strawberries do well with certain herbs because the herbs attract pollinators that will also pollinate the strawberries. This is how nature works, but us gardeners don’t like to see randomness in our plots, we like order. Well here’s a newsflash, nature has it’s own order. Look at the hedgerow or woodland and… → Read More

Companion Planting Leeks

Companion Planting Leeks

A popular member of the allium family, the leek can be useful as a companion plant. By companion planting leeks you can help to protect many plants from pests. Read on to discover all the benefits of companion planting leeks. Companion Planting Leeks The plants that do best when companion planted with leeks to keep pests away include:- Apple Trees and Leeks By planting leeks under apple trees you will help prevent scab on the apples. For more information on companion planting apple trees click here. Strawberries and Leeks Strawberries do well with any member of the allium family, and… → Read More

kale companion plants

kale companion plants

Kale is a member of the brassica family and has similar growing requirements to others of this plant group. Companion planting is beneficial to plants for a number of reasons, soil and watering compatiblity, health and insect deterrence. The kale companion plants listed below will also be fine to grow with all other brassicas. kale companion plants There are some plants that should never be grown anywhere near kale but more on these later, for now let’s concentrate on the best companions for kale. Just before we start, there are some reports that artichokes make a good companion plant to… → Read More

swiss chard companion plants

swiss chard companion plants

Although swiss chard looks similar to spinach they are not related, chard is actually a member of the beet family. The majority of plants will benefit from growing with other types of plant and swiss chard is no exception. Swiss chard companion plants will be of benefit to your plants in some way. swiss chard companion plants Like it’s near relative beetroot, swiss chard is relatively easy to grow with not much in the way of pests, with the exception of slugs and snails attacking young leaves. There are various types of chard, look out for rainbow chard which comes… → Read More

companion plants for chillies

companion plants for chillies

Whether it’s through a lack of space, or just for a healthier, larger crop companion planting is always a good idea. The companion plants for chillies are all listed below and you should try to include at least some in your planting plan. They will help in either attracting pollinators or deterring pests or improving the conditions for your chillies to grow in. companion plants for chillies There are many plants that will help to enhance the health and vitality of your chillies, try to include as many as possible into your planting plan. Alliums and Chillies The allium family… → Read More