Tag Archives: chervil

Companion Planting Citrus

Companion Planting Citrus

As our climate appears to be warming up, more and more areas are able to grow citrus trees. To get the best from citrus trees, it’s always good to companion plant and benefit from better pollination and insect control. As you will see companion planting citrus with other semi tropical plants is most beneficial, and as these plants are now easy to obtain it makes sense to apply this method. What Is Citrus? When I refer to citrus in this post I’m talking about all members of the citrus family. This includes:- Oranges Lemons Limes Grapefruit Pomelo Tangerines Kumquat For… → Read More

Plants That Repel Insects ( How To Keep Pests Away)

Plants That Repel Insects

Firstly, not all insects are bad for the garden, and we want to attract the good ones. But there are a lot of insects that cause damage, and even death to our plants. So here’s the growing-guides plants that repel insects(the bad ones). Plants That Repel Insects There are many plants that have the reputation of deterring pests, and here’s a few to get us started. So to start let’s look at how plants repel insects, there are some plants that give off an odour to repel insects, and others that exude chemicals to repel insects. Plants That Repel Insects-Flowers… → Read More

Flowers That Repel Pests [15 top Plants To Repel Pests]


There are many reasons for growing flowers, they brighten up the garden, attract insects and birds, and some can be used to repel pests. I am not a great one for growing flowers really, unless they are beneficial in my vegetable garden. That’s why flowers that repel pests appeals to me and why I’ve written this post. Flowers That Repel Pests So here’s a list of flowers that repel pests that can be integrated into your garden design. Use as many as you like and you too will benefit from a healthier environment for your plants. Larkspur A member of… → Read More

Radish Companion Planting

Radish Companion Planting

Such a small and often thought insignificant plant, the radish is a very useful companion plant. Radish companion planting is all about continuity, one of the fastest growing plants that I know of, from seed to table in 6 weeks. Sow every month for a near constant supply of these tasty salad vegetables. It’s worth remembering that radishes are members of the brassica family and need to be rotated with other crops accordingly. Having said that, they make a good catch crop between rows and as markers for slower developing seeds. Radish Companion Plants There are two main companions to… → Read More

Herbs As Companion Plants

Herbs As Companion Plants

Herbs are one of the most used plants in the kitchen, and everyone has their own favourite herb. Did you know that using herbs as companion plants not only look good in your garden, but also benefit your other plants as well. think of the luscious aromas of summer, thyme, lavender, basil, oregano, Marjory, sage… I could go on forever. All of the herbs below will benefit your garden as well as your table. It’s time to get into the wonderful world of companion planting herbs. What Is Companion Planting? Companion planting is a system of growing plants together to… → Read More