Tag Archives: marjoram

Companion Planting Cucumbers

Companion Planting Cucumbers

There are not many plants that don’t benefit from companion planting, which is another way of saying inter cropping. By companion planting cucumbers you will get less plant damage, healthier plants, and heavier crops. How Does Companion Planting Cucumbers Work? In some cases companion planting works by saving space, growing two or more plants that have the same requirements allows them all to grow successfully. Some plants will deter pests away from your cucumber plants, and some will attract beneficial pollinators. Whilst others will actually improve the health of your plants. Companion Planting Cucumbers Let’s get started with the good… → Read More

companion plants for cherry trees

Companion Plants for Cherry Trees

The idea of companion planting is to grow plants that compliment each other in some way. companion plants for cherry trees are mainly used to attract helpful pollinators like bees. Cherry trees blossom very early in spring, so it’s vital to get the flowers pollinated by early pollinators if you want those blossoms to become cherries. companion plants for cherry trees There are a few things to consider when growing cherry trees, not least of all, how wet the ground is. Cherries don’t tolerate standing water, so if your area is very wet and you have sodden soil maybe cherries… → Read More

companion plants for chillies

companion plants for chillies

Whether it’s through a lack of space, or just for a healthier, larger crop companion planting is always a good idea. The companion plants for chillies are all listed below and you should try to include at least some in your planting plan. They will help in either attracting pollinators or deterring pests or improving the conditions for your chillies to grow in. companion plants for chillies There are many plants that will help to enhance the health and vitality of your chillies, try to include as many as possible into your planting plan. Alliums and Chillies The allium family… → Read More

Herbs As Companion Plants

Herbs As Companion Plants

Herbs are one of the most used plants in the kitchen, and everyone has their own favourite herb. Did you know that using herbs as companion plants not only look good in your garden, but also benefit your other plants as well. think of the luscious aromas of summer, thyme, lavender, basil, oregano, Marjory, sage… I could go on forever. All of the herbs below will benefit your garden as well as your table. It’s time to get into the wonderful world of companion planting herbs. What Is Companion Planting? Companion planting is a system of growing plants together to… → Read More

Companion Planting Peppers

Companion Planting Peppers Bell Peppers

Often expensive to buy in the shops, peppers whether green, yellow, orange or red are relatively easy to grow in the home garden. By companion planting peppers with other helpful plants you can certainly give them a much better chance of success. Companion Planting Peppers Peppers are a member of the same family as Chillies, Aubergines, Tomatoes and Potatoes so they need to be included in your rotation plan. Plants that will help peppers grow include:- Alliums (Chives, Onions and Leeks) Beans and Peas Basil Dill Parsley Marjoram, Rosemary and Oregano Tomatoes Radishes Petunias, Marigolds and Nasturtiums Chard, Lettuce and… → Read More

Companion Planting Rosemary

Companion Planting Rosemary

Rosemary is a well known herb that is used with great success in the kitchen. Most people whether gardeners or not will recognise Rosemary probably by it’s leaves but definitely by it’s aroma. What is not so commonly known is the benefits of companion planting Rosemary in the vegetable patch. Companion Planting Rosemary Companion planting rosemary in your garden brings numerous benefits to the plants around it, making it one of my favourite herbs to grow. When you put all the hard work and effort into growing plants in your garden, there is nothing more soul destroying than having them… → Read More