Tag Archives: calendula

Herbs In Vegtrug

Herbs In Vegtrug

I have the medium vegtrug, which is the largest one they make but looking through their brochure, they actually make a vegtrug herb garden. In fact they make 2 (more later), this got me thinking. It’s time to explore growing herbs in vegtrug. What Is Vegtrug? This company that appears to have bases in the UK and the US, manufacture wooden planters to a high standard. They are easy to assemble and constructed of treated wood that is safe to grow food in. There are a number of different planters available but we’re going to concentrate on their herb garden…. → Read More

Companion Planting Citrus

Companion Planting Citrus

As our climate appears to be warming up, more and more areas are able to grow citrus trees. To get the best from citrus trees, it’s always good to companion plant and benefit from better pollination and insect control. As you will see companion planting citrus with other semi tropical plants is most beneficial, and as these plants are now easy to obtain it makes sense to apply this method. What Is Citrus? When I refer to citrus in this post I’m talking about all members of the citrus family. This includes:- Oranges Lemons Limes Grapefruit Pomelo Tangerines Kumquat For… → Read More

Flowers That Attract Bees

Flowers That Attract Bees

We need bees to help pollinate our plants and bees need flowers to survive. Growing flowers that attract bees in the vegetable garden means everybody wins. We get more produce and the bees get nectar to feed themselves and their young. Flowers That Attract Bees There are many flowers that attract bees and during a normal summer they have no problem finding food. Which is good for the bee population however, us gardeners need to be sure of pollination. We need to be proactive in creating the type of garden bees will frequent. To achieve this we have to consider… → Read More

Companion Planting Flowers

Companion Planting Flowers

Nothing looks nicer than a well balanced, colourful garden display and to achieve this effect you need to understand something about plants. You have to know how plants inter act with each other. What you have to know is how companion planting flowers works. All plants need certain conditions to grow successfully and getting this right will greatly enhance your display. By understanding the various needs of each plant will help you to position it in the correct conditions to maximise growth. That said, not all growth is good, for example if you want a show of flowers and your… → Read More