Tag Archives: garlic

swiss chard companion plants

swiss chard companion plants

Although swiss chard looks similar to spinach they are not related, chard is actually a member of the beet family. The majority of plants will benefit from growing with other types of plant and swiss chard is no exception. Swiss chard companion plants will be of benefit to your plants in some way. swiss chard companion plants Like it’s near relative beetroot, swiss chard is relatively easy to grow with not much in the way of pests, with the exception of slugs and snails attacking young leaves. There are various types of chard, look out for rainbow chard which comes… → Read More

10 Vegetables To Grow In September

10 Vegetables To Grow In September

Just because Summer is officially over, it doesn’t mean that’s the end of the growing season. There’s still time to sow and harvest a few crops and it’s a good time to start preparing for next season. So here’s 10 vegetables to grow in September. 10 Vegetables To Grow In September The 1st of September officially marks the start of Autumn, a time when things start winding down. But not for us gardeners, it’s time for us to get in a few late crops for Winter harvest and to start on next Springs crops as well. Radish September is the… → Read More

How To Get Rid Of Aphids On Roses (without chemicals)

How To Get Rid Of Aphids On Roses (without chemicals)

There’s nothing better than a healthy rose in full bloom to brighten up the garden but aphids can sap your plants health. There are many chemical applications for sale that claim to clear aphids but what harm are they doing to the environment? How to get rid of aphids on roses without chemicals gives you the safer and also the prettier alternatives. If you’ve come to this page then you probably already have an issue with aphids so read on for the best organic cures for aphid infestations on roses. For the most effective Sprays To Get Rid Of Aphids… → Read More

What Grows Well With Raspberries

What Grows Well With Raspberries

Always expensive in the shops,raspberries make a great fruit for desserts and just to eat fresh. Raspberries are not that difficult to grow and are fairly undemanding to maintain. As with all plants they will do better with certain companions so what grows well with raspberries? What Grows Well With Raspberries The principles of companion planting are well known, some plants repel pests, some attract beneficial insects either to pollinate or as predators on the bad bugs. Some are sacrificial, taking the bad bugs away from your crop plant. Others share beneficial compounds through the soil whilst others do the… → Read More

What Can You Plant With Potatoes

What Can You Plant With Potatoes

One of the most popular vegetables grown by the home gardener along with tomatoes. Also like their cousin the tomato, they have preferences when it comes to neighbours. So what can you plant with potatoes? What Can You Plant With Potatoes In the UK potatoes are generally sown from March and depending on type are harvested from June through to October. In all cases potatoes should be lifted before frosts return to your area. There are many plants that can be grown as companion plants with potatoes, below is a list of some of the best ones. Potatoes and Celery… → Read More

Companion Planting Peach Trees

Companion Planting Peach Trees

Often considered as plant that will only grow in hot climates, peaches are much tougher than the fruit looks. In fact, as long as you provide them a fairly sheltered environment, with protection from strong winds they will do well. By companion planting peach trees with other helpful plants you will improve the health and yield of your fruit crop. Companion Planting Peach Trees One of the main problems when growing peaches in the UK is wind because the delicate flowers can easily get damaged. Later in the season once the fruits have set and are ripening, the problem is… → Read More

Companion Planting Garlic

Companion Planting Garlic

Garlic is a natural accumulator of sulphur, a natural fungicide, which will help keep diseases away from your plants. By companion planting garlic you will improve the health and vitality of your plants. Read on for what to grow with garlic and what not to grow with garlic. Companion Planting Garlic According to the USDA Animal Plant health inspection service wildlife services, national wildlife research centre garlic repels deer. But that’s not all, garlic repels many garden pests including:- Aphids Carrot root fly Codling Moths Snails Whitefly Slugs At garden centres you can purchase concentrated garlic sprays which are proven… → Read More

Companion Planting Parsnips

Companion Planting Parsnips

The benefits of growing plants together are well documented and have been used for thousands of years. Companion planting parsnips will improve the health and flavour of your parsnips and save space. Companion Planting Parsnips All of the following plants will enhance the health of your parsnips if grown in companionship with them. Parsnip companion plants include:- Onions and Parsnips Due to their strong aroma, onions help to disguise parsnips from the so called carrot root fly. The root fly maggot attacks the roots of carrots, parsnips, and celery and in the case of parsnips and carrots renders them inedible…. → Read More

Watermelon Companion Plants

watermelon companion planting

I live in the UK and I have dabbled at growing melons in my unheated greenhouse a few times over the years, with mixed results. This year however, I have found a UK based seed company that offers watermelon seeds for the UK climate. So I’m looking at watermelon companion plants and I’ll share them with you here. What Are Watermelons? Watermelons are members of the curcubit family which includes pumpkins, squash, melons, cucumbers, and gourds. They are sweet flavoured and as the name suggests, very juicy. Watermelons develop differently to other members of the same family. They have less… → Read More

Crop Rotation After Garlic

Crop Rotation After Garlic

I work to a 4 crop rotation plan, and in my plan the plant family that falls into crop rotation after garlic is solanum. That is the nightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, chillies, and aubergines. Garlic Crop Rotation Garlic and onions should follow brassicas, and be followed by potatoes. In a 4 crop rotation system garlic is only in the same bed every 4 years. This will keep soil bound pests and diseases at a minimum and improve the health of all crops. For the following year, as garlic is not a very heavy feeding plant, it should not… → Read More