Tag Archives: peppers

Vegtrug Planting Guide

vegtrug planting guide

If you’ve been following my posts for a while you’ll probably be aware that I had a brain bleed a few years ago. What I haven’t told you is last year I had a quintuple heart by-pass and it’s left me very weak. I can’t manage my allotment so my son set me up a vegtrug and here’s my vegtrug planting guide. We went for the medium vegtrug which is actually the largest one they do? It’s 1.8 metres (6 foot) long, 76 cms (30 inches) wide and 80 cms (31.5 inches) high. That’s an area roughly 6 foot by… → Read More

Companion Planting Peach Trees

Companion Planting Peach Trees

Often considered as plant that will only grow in hot climates, peaches are much tougher than the fruit looks. In fact, as long as you provide them a fairly sheltered environment, with protection from strong winds they will do well. By companion planting peach trees with other helpful plants you will improve the health and yield of your fruit crop. Companion Planting Peach Trees One of the main problems when growing peaches in the UK is wind because the delicate flowers can easily get damaged. Later in the season once the fruits have set and are ripening, the problem is… → Read More

Companion Planting Geraniums

Companion Planting Geraniums

Geraniums have a distinctive smell, some people hate it but more importantly so do some plant pests. By companion planting geraniums your garden will benefit from less insect infestations. Companion Planting Geraniums The strong scent of the geranium repels many damaging insects Including mosquitoes, Cabbage white butterflies, Japanese beetles, rose chafers, and leaf hoppers. Mosquitoes might not cause problems to your garden, but they definitely cause problems to this gardener! Cabbage whites are the bane of the brassica grower, both Japanese and rose chafer beetles do considerable damage to roses and leafhoppers damage a wide range of plants. What to… → Read More

Crop Rotation After Garlic

Crop Rotation After Garlic

I work to a 4 crop rotation plan, and in my plan the plant family that falls into crop rotation after garlic is solanum. That is the nightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, chillies, and aubergines. Garlic Crop Rotation Garlic and onions should follow brassicas, and be followed by potatoes. In a 4 crop rotation system garlic is only in the same bed every 4 years. This will keep soil bound pests and diseases at a minimum and improve the health of all crops. For the following year, as garlic is not a very heavy feeding plant, it should not… → Read More

Companion Planting Peas

Companion Planting Peas

All peas including snow peas are members of the Legume family, they all fix nitrogen from the air. This gives us gardeners two main advantages, firstly at the end of their growing season they add nitrogen to the soil (making it available for the following crop). Secondly when companion planting peas with other plants there is no competing for nitrogen. Companion Planting Peas The best plants to grow with peas are plants that thrive in the same environment with peas and have the same watering and nutritional needs. These include:- Carrots Sweet Corn Radishes Beans Celery Tomatoes Peppers Aubergines Parsley… → Read More

Companion Planting Peppers

Companion Planting Peppers Bell Peppers

Often expensive to buy in the shops, peppers whether green, yellow, orange or red are relatively easy to grow in the home garden. By companion planting peppers with other helpful plants you can certainly give them a much better chance of success. Companion Planting Peppers Peppers are a member of the same family as Chillies, Aubergines, Tomatoes and Potatoes so they need to be included in your rotation plan. Plants that will help peppers grow include:- Alliums (Chives, Onions and Leeks) Beans and Peas Basil Dill Parsley Marjoram, Rosemary and Oregano Tomatoes Radishes Petunias, Marigolds and Nasturtiums Chard, Lettuce and… → Read More

How To Grow Peppers And Chilli Peppers

How To Grow Peppers And Chilli Peppers

I have had a few people ask me for the best way to grow peppers and chilli peppers lately, so this post is my answer to those questions. I’ll take you through the whole process from seed germination to harvesting. Here’s the best way I’ve found for how to grow peppers and chilli peppers. How To Germinate Pepper And Chilli Pepper Seeds Peppers and chilli peppers grow best in hot climates, so it’s best to give them some heat to start them off. There are 2 ways to do this, the first is to wait until the soil in your… → Read More

Companion Planting Beans

companion planting beans

All beans whether Runner Beans, Dwarf Beans, French Beans or any other kind of bean or pea you care to mention are of the family known as Legumes. Beans are one of the easiest plants to grow as long as you get the basics right. Information on growing beans can be found here so on with Companion Planting Beans. Companion Planting Beans There has been a lot written about the benefits of using beans as companion plants and some of it is misleading. Yes all Legumes fix Nitrogen in the soil which many other plants find beneficial, however this is… → Read More

Companion Planting Basil [Benefits of Basil in the Garden]

companion planting basil

The herb Basil comes in many different varieties and all are as good as each other. Companion planting basil with many vegetables will give your plants a boost. Basil is to my mind a super herb. Companion Planting Basil Basil The Super Herb Basil releases an oil that helps other plants to improve on their best, either by deterring damaging insects or by enhancing the flavour of the fruit/vegetable. The aroma of basil is a spicy, aromatic fragrance that makes it so popular with cooks and chefs worldwide. It is that same smell that deters many insects including:- Aphids Whitefly… → Read More