Tag Archives: tomatoes

What Can You Plant With Potatoes

What Can You Plant With Potatoes

One of the most popular vegetables grown by the home gardener along with tomatoes. Also like their cousin the tomato, they have preferences when it comes to neighbours. So what can you plant with potatoes? What Can You Plant With Potatoes In the UK potatoes are generally sown from March and depending on type are harvested from June through to October. In all cases potatoes should be lifted before frosts return to your area. There are many plants that can be grown as companion plants with potatoes, below is a list of some of the best ones. Potatoes and Celery… → Read More

Companion Planting Foxgloves

Companion Planting Foxgloves

Foxgloves are found in woodlands up and down the country and they thrive in those conditions. There is so much more to this stately looking flower. By companion planting foxgloves you will reap many benefits not least of which is this pretty flower. Thompson and Morgan have a great post on how to grow foxgloves click here to see it. Companion Planting Foxgloves I’ll have to start with a word of warning, foxgloves are poisonous to people and animals, that said they contain digitalis which is a steroid which exerts a powerful action on the heart . For my top… → Read More

Companion Planting Parsley

Companion Planting Parsley

Parsley is a biennial plant, which means that it takes 2 years to set it’s seed. It also means that the benefits of companion planting parsley will last for 2 years before you need to resow seed. There are 2 types of parsley, curly leaf and flat leaf, and both types will give you the same benefits. Companion Planting Parsley A great herb for deterring pests and for attracting beneficial insects like parasitic wasps and hoverflies. Plants that will benefit from companion planting with parsley include:- Parsley and Asparagus The asparagus bed is unproductive for about 10 months of the… → Read More

Companion Planting Lettuce

Companion Planting Lettuce

Lettuce come in all shapes and sizes from long to round, tight heads to cut and come again leaves. By companion planting lettuce you can save space and improve the quality of your lettuce whatever variety you grow. Lettuce do best in cooler conditions it’s worth considering growing with taller plants and take advantage of the shade. Companion Planting Lettuce Taking advantage of taller plants is one consideration but it’s also worth remembering that lettuce require lots of water. Some of the companion plants listed below do not need lots of water so keep that in mind. Lettuce make a… → Read More

Companion Planting Geraniums

Companion Planting Geraniums

Geraniums have a distinctive smell, some people hate it but more importantly so do some plant pests. By companion planting geraniums your garden will benefit from less insect infestations. Companion Planting Geraniums The strong scent of the geranium repels many damaging insects Including mosquitoes, Cabbage white butterflies, Japanese beetles, rose chafers, and leaf hoppers. Mosquitoes might not cause problems to your garden, but they definitely cause problems to this gardener! Cabbage whites are the bane of the brassica grower, both Japanese and rose chafer beetles do considerable damage to roses and leafhoppers damage a wide range of plants. What to… → Read More

Companion Planting Cosmos

Companion Planting Cosmos

With their bright, open, daisy like flowers and fern like leaves, cosmos are a welcome sight in any garden. They also work well in the vegetable garden. By companion planting cosmos with your vegetables you will grow healthier food and have a pretty display. Unlike some flowers that have many beneficial effects on their neighbours, the main claim to fame for cosmos is they attract aphids. The knock on effect of this is they also attract hoverflies and more importantly hoverfly larvae. Hoverflies are great pollinators, and their larvae are voracious consumers of aphids. Companion Planting Cosmos Any plant that… → Read More

Nasturtium Companion Plants

Nasturtium Companion Plants

Such useful plants, nasturtium leaves, flowers, and seeds can be used to give a peppery kick to salads and garnishes. But there is so much more to this colourful plant,using nasturtiums as companion plants bring many benefits. Read on for all you need to know about using nasturtium companion plants. Nasturtium Benefits Aside from their nutritious benefits, nasturtiums are of considerable benefit in the vegetable garden. They attract pollinating insects like bees, butterflies, and hoverflies to your garden. They also attract aphids and cabbage white butterflies which can cause serious damage to your crops. Grow nasturtiums as sacrificial plants to… → Read More

Crop Rotation After Garlic

Crop Rotation After Garlic

I work to a 4 crop rotation plan, and in my plan the plant family that falls into crop rotation after garlic is solanum. That is the nightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, chillies, and aubergines. Garlic Crop Rotation Garlic and onions should follow brassicas, and be followed by potatoes. In a 4 crop rotation system garlic is only in the same bed every 4 years. This will keep soil bound pests and diseases at a minimum and improve the health of all crops. For the following year, as garlic is not a very heavy feeding plant, it should not… → Read More

What to Plant After Onions

What to Plant After Onions

This is not as straight forward as it seems, because there are some plants that don’t get on with onions. Depending which type of onions you grow will determine how late in the season you have this problem. Over wintering onions are lifted earlier than spring sown, so what to plant after onions depends on many factors. What to Plant After Onions As I said earlier, time is the main problem here, and this is where forward planning is needed. If you have some winter squash, Pumpkin, Swede, Winter Cabbage, Chilli or Tomato plants in pots, these can be planted… → Read More

Companion Planting Tomatoes

Companion Planting Tomatoes

There is nothing better than a freshly grown, warm, sweet tomato straight from the vine. The flavour of home grown tomatoes surpasses shop bought, commercially grown tomatoes by far. By companion planting tomatoes with other beneficial plants you will not only improve the taste, but also the health of your tomato plants. Tomatoes originate in hot climates so if like me, you’re in an area prone to frosts then you will have to treat this perennial plant as an annual. It also stands to reason that the majority of companion plants for tomatoes also originate in hot countries. That doesn’t… → Read More