Tag Archives: flowers

Flowers That Repel Pests [15 top Plants To Repel Pests]


There are many reasons for growing flowers, they brighten up the garden, attract insects and birds, and some can be used to repel pests. I am not a great one for growing flowers really, unless they are beneficial in my vegetable garden. That’s why flowers that repel pests appeals to me and why I’ve written this post. Flowers That Repel Pests So here’s a list of flowers that repel pests that can be integrated into your garden design. Use as many as you like and you too will benefit from a healthier environment for your plants. Larkspur A member of… → Read More

Flowers That Attract Bees

Flowers That Attract Bees

We need bees to help pollinate our plants and bees need flowers to survive. Growing flowers that attract bees in the vegetable garden means everybody wins. We get more produce and the bees get nectar to feed themselves and their young. Flowers That Attract Bees There are many flowers that attract bees and during a normal summer they have no problem finding food. Which is good for the bee population however, us gardeners need to be sure of pollination. We need to be proactive in creating the type of garden bees will frequent. To achieve this we have to consider… → Read More

How To Attract Pollinators To Your Garden

How to attract pollinators to your Garden

As the EU decides to ban the use of neonicotinoids in all member states by the end of this year it is our job as gardeners to increase the depleting numbers of pollinators. So how to attract pollinators to your garden and why to attract pollinators to your garden? What Are Neonicotinoids? Neonicotinoids are a group of pesticides that have been used in the commercial farming industry since the early 1990s. Ironically they were developed as a “safer” solution to the  problems caused by large scale, monocrop farming. They are a systematic pesticide and are absorbed by the whole of… → Read More

Don’t dismiss the Dandelions


Don’t dismiss Dandelions as just another problem weed to get rid of. Like Comfrey ,Dandelions have long tap roots which allow them to absorb minerals that other shallow rooted plants can’t reach. All parts of the Dandelion are edible, flowers, leaves, and roots. Dandelions contain the following:- Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K Vitamin P Iron Potassium Zinc Calcium Lecithin Magnesium Niacin Phosphorus Boron Young Dandelion leaves can be used in salads and are quite sweet but older, fully grown leaves tend to be bitter and should be stripped from the central stem as the… → Read More