Tag Archives: sunchokes

What to Grow in February

What To Grow In February

If you’re anything like me, by the end of January you can’t wait to start the growing season off again. Well this post will give you all the information you need to get srated as soon as the calendar turns. So let’s have a look at what to grow in February. What to Grow in February If you have the luxury of a greenhouse, even a unheated greenhouse, there’s a wide range of plants you can grow in February. If you don’t have a greenhouse then your options are slightly more limited but don’t despair. There are many ways to… → Read More

How To Grow Jerusalem Artichokes

How to Grow Jerusalem Artichokes

Jerusalem Artichokes are one of the easiest plants to grow, just bury a piece of root in soil and it will grow. Better growth will of course  be obtained given the  right conditions. So in this post I’ll tell you all I know about Jerusalem Artichokes, What they are, where they come from and of course how to grow them. What Are Jerusalem Artichokes? Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus Tuberosus ) is a perennial plant which grows to a height of 10 ft. The flowers look like small Sunflowers, and are grown for their edible root. Many names are attributed to this… → Read More