Tag Archives: seeds

My allotment

This year I have struggled with the weeds, as fast as I hoe them they reappear. A wise man once said “one years seeds, seven years weeds” and my plot was seriously neglected when I got it. The weeds certainly had set a copious amount of seeds. Someone else once told me “nature abhors a vacuum” so taking that on board I have started to cover areas that I have weeded and not using just now with manure/straw. I am also making raised beds. These should help me to maintain the plot with the pathways between them hopefully meaning less… → Read More

Know your onions

There are two ways to grow onions, from seeds or from sets. I have grown them both ways and in my opinion you get bigger onions from sets, however you get a bigger choice of variety from seed. Growing onions from seed means starting them off in a warm environment either an unheated greenhouse or a warm window sill. Then in spring once the seedlings are roughly as thick as a pencil they can be planted outside in rows about four inches apart in well draining soil and water them in dry spells. Onion sets are easier, an onion set is… → Read More

How deep to sow seeds


The short answer to this is roughly twice as deep as they are thick, but as most seeds come in a seed packet they will usually come with instructions on the packet. This is an interesting question though as more often than not self seeded plants that don’t grow in the allocated place for them seem to grow better than their looked after, watered, planted at the right time and nurtured counter parts. At the time of writing this I have just noticed that the broad beans that I planted two weeks ago to over winter are poking through the soil… → Read More