Tag Archives: Nasturtiums

Companion Planting Apple Trees

compainon planting apple trees

In this country there are many orchards and therefore many apple trees all producing lovely, tasty, healthy apples. Still nothing is more pleasing than to pick an apple straight from the tree and bite into that fresh, sweet tasting goodness. So in this the first post of the series, Companion Planting Apple Trees I will share some of the vegetables and herbs that will increase yield, improve flavour, or help keep your trees healthy. Companion Planting Apple Trees Apple trees need other apple trees to pollinate. Different varieties flower at different times, so ensure that all trees planted in a… → Read More

Flowers As Companion Plants

flowers as companion plants

One of my older posts focused on Poached Egg Plant Companion Plants, this got me thinking about using other flowers as companion plants. What flowers to use and Why use them? Exactly what are the benefits? So in this post that’s what I’m going to find out. Why Use Flowers In The Vegetable Garden? Flowers are good to look at, they smell nice and they give a garden a pleasant appearance. As will soon become apparent, they also have many helpful benefits in the vegetable garden. The secret as always is placing the right flowers with the right vegetables. Flowers… → Read More

Poached Egg Plant Companion Planting

Poached Egg Plant Companion Planting

Companion Planting with Poached Egg Plants

There has been a trend recently of people wanting to fight insect infestations by organic/natural methods with the emphasis on companion planting and using Poached Egg Plants in particular. The problem with that as far as I can see is that there doesn’t seem to be much relevant information out there so I thought it was about time to dedicate a post on the subject. What Is A Poached Egg Plant The Poached Egg Plant (Latin name Limnanthes Douglasii) is an annual plant with open flowers that are white around the outside with a yellow middle that resembles a poached… → Read More