There are many reasons for growing flowers, they brighten up the garden, attract insects and birds, and some can be used to repel pests. I am not a great one for growing flowers really, unless they are beneficial in my vegetable garden. That’s why flowers that repel pests appeals to me and why I’ve written this post.
Flowers That Repel Pests
So here’s a list of flowers that repel pests that can be integrated into your garden design. Use as many as you like and you too will benefit from a healthier environment for your plants.

A member of the Delphinium family, larkspur actually attracts many pests but as it’s poisonous they won’t be around for long. So use larkspur as an insecticide, it’s 100% natural and will only affect the pests who bother it.

This herb has many useful properties but as this post is about flowers that repel pests, let’s stick to those. The strong scent of lavender repels fleas and moths and since medieval times sprigs of lavender have been placed indoors as a repellent. For more on companion planting lavender click here.

This herb repels cabbage white butterflies and flea beetles.

Also known as wormwood and southernwood, artemisia repels moths, fleas, mosquitoes, slugs, and mice.

Attracts cats but repels pests including:- Flea beetles, aphids, ants, and weevils. For more information on companion planting catnip click here.

This herb repels aphids and slugs.

Good for repelling aphids,

Repels aphids and red spider mites.

Cabbage white butterflies, aphids and squash beetles keep away from dill.

Eelworms are repelled by marigolds as are whiteflies. For more on marigold companion planting click this link.

Good for repelling wooly aphids,whiteflies, and squash beetles including cucumber beetles. Be warned nasturtiums attract aphids. To find out more about companion planting nasturtiums click here.

Known to repel asparagus beetles, leafhoppers, and aphids.

Repels cabbage white butterflies, bean beetles, and carrot root flies. For more about companion planting rosemary click here.

An effective repellent against aphids, flea beetles, onion maggots, slugs and snails. For much more information on companion planting rue click this link.

Repels ants flea beetles, flies, and rodents.
Flowers That Deter Pests
So there are the growing-guides top 15 flowers to repel pests there are many more useful flowers that attract beneficial insects that will deter pests from visiting your plot. These can be found in other posts on this site. I hope you find this useful please let me know of your successes in the comments below.
Great blog thank you Steve, I don’t know why but I found it interesting that there were only 2 whiteish colour flowers in the list 🤔 and lots of bluey purple.
Thanks Rachel,
apparently bees see blue first in the colour spectrum, although how they know that is beyond me.😊
All the best