Zucchini Companion Plants (Courgettes)

Zucchini ( Courgette) Companion Plants

Whether you call them zucchini or courgettes, this summer favourite is easy to grow. As long as they are picked regularly summer squashes including zucchini, marrows, and patty pans will continue producing until the first frosts. There are many zucchini companion plants and  all will benefit your plants.

The key to healthy plants is as always, soil preparation. Add plenty of compost or well rotted manure to the soil to give these hungry plants a boost. Once they flower feed weekly with comfrey plant food or a good tomato fertiliser.

Zucchini Companion Plants

Good companion plants for zucchini (courgettes) are Sweetcorn, Cucumbers, Winter Squash, Borage, Beans, Peas, Marigolds, Nasturtiums, Radish, and Oregano.


zucchini companion plants sweetcorn

This tall growing plant doesn’t need a lot of ground space which allows zucchini to be grown close by. Traditionally used in the 3 sisters combination with beans and squash, sweetcorn gives the height. The beans grow up the corn and the squashes provide ground cover.


zucchini companion plants cucumbers

Grow cucumbers up supports and grow zucchini close by, as both these plants have the same requirements for growth. Including fertile soil, regular feeding, and regular watering.

Winter Squash

zucchini companion plants winter squash

Including Pumpkins,Butter Nut Squash, Turks Turban, Acorn Squash and many more. Winter squashes spread their vines up to 15 feet in length and sprawl across the plot. Whereas zucchini grow much more compact plants.

By alternating one zucchini then one winter squash and so on you will save space and the plants will benefit from the same growing conditions. If you wish to save seed at the end of the season, then you should keep all squash types growing separately. But if not they make great companions.


zucchini companion plants borage

Every plant that grows in companion to borage will benefit from its health giving properties. As borage is a dynamic accumulator it brings nutrients from deep within the soil to the roots of all companions. Borage flowers attract many beneficial pollinators including bees and butterflies.


courgette companion plants marigolds

Used as a trap crop for slugs and snails, marigolds also repel squash beetles and harmful nematodes. Grow marigolds at the edge of the squash bed, away from the zucchini plants to reap the benefits. Marigolds will also attract beneficial pollinators, necessary for zucchini to set fruit.


zucchini companion plants nasturtiums

Famous for their repellent properties with squash pests, the nasturtium is also a trap crop for aphids. As with marigolds grow nasturtiums at the edge of beds and in borders for bets results. Nasturtiums also attract beneficial pollinators to your plot.


zucchini companion plants nasturtiums

Growing oregano in companion with any plant will be beneficial to it. Not only does oregano repel many pests but it also improves the health of all closely grown plants. Oregano attracts beneficial insects like lacewings and hoverflies to your plot, and because of its strong aroma it confuses many pests and stops them landing on your zucchini plants and causing damage.


zucchini companion plants nasturtiums

One of the easiest plants to grow from seed, the radish is also one of the most beneficial companion plants. Radishes attract flea beetles so protect your zucchini by growing radishes around your plants. They also repel squash beetles and are ready to harvest in about 6 weeks.

By regularly resowing radishes you will have all season protection and a constant supply of crisp, fresh radishes.


zucchini companion plants beans

Members of the Legume family, beans fix nitrogen through the air and so don’t take nitrogen from the soil. Leaving the nitrogen for your hungry zucchini plants. Grow climbing beans to save space and maximise the plant to soil ratio.


zucchini companion plants peas

All that I have said above for beans applies equally well to peas. Peas also fix nitrogen in the air, and therefore don’t detract from the needs of zucchini.

What Not To Grow With Zucchini

zucchini companion plants what not to grow, potatoes

As far as I can see the only plant to keep away from zucchini is the potato. They do share common pests and are both hungry plants, but that is all I can find out.

Also as mentioned above, don’t grow other squashes with zucchini if you want to save seeds at the end of the season, due to cross pollination.

Below a selection of squashes including butternut squash, zucchini, and patty pans.

zucchini companion planting squash patty pans

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