Tag Archives: oregano

Companion Planting Grapes


For centuries growers have been companion planting grapes to improve their crops. The Greeks and the Romans too, so if it’s good enough for the classics then it’s good enough for me as well. Companion Planting Grapes Grapes are not just a good source of fibre, they  also contain many vitamins and minerals. But that’s not why they were popular in ancient times, no that was because they make great wine. That’s still true today but as with all plants the flavour, health and yield can be improved upon with companion planting. What To Companion Plant With Grape Vines There… → Read More

Companion Planting Rosemary

Companion Planting Rosemary

Rosemary is a well known herb that is used with great success in the kitchen. Most people whether gardeners or not will recognise Rosemary probably by it’s leaves but definitely by it’s aroma. What is not so commonly known is the benefits of companion planting Rosemary in the vegetable patch. Companion Planting Rosemary Companion planting rosemary in your garden brings numerous benefits to the plants around it, making it one of my favourite herbs to grow. When you put all the hard work and effort into growing plants in your garden, there is nothing more soul destroying than having them… → Read More