Tag Archives: asparagus

Companion Planting Asparagus

companion planting asparagus

Asparagus is usually quite expensive in the shops so it makes sense to grow some if you have the space. It is an easy vegetable to grow if you get the basics right and it will crop for many years. So on with companion planting asparagus. Growing Asparagus Asparagus is a perrenial vegetable, traditionally grown in it’s own bed. The bed is then kept weed free all year creating a good deal of wasted space. Of course on most plots this is just not an option, and if you are going to grow something with it , it should be… → Read More

Companion Planting Apricots

companion planting apricots

Not necessarily something you’d expect to grow in the colder climes of the United Kingdom, but apricots can and are growing in Essex at least. As with most plants, conditions can be improved by companion planting. So in this post companion planting apricots I’ll expand on what will help get the best from your apricot. Companion Planting Apricots In the United Kingdom Apricots do best in South facing gardens. As apricots are self fertile there is no problem growing single trees. Sheltering Trees From Cold Shelter apricot trees with hedging or a wicker fence to protect from winds. If severe… → Read More