Tag Archives: aphids

How To Grow Peppers And Chilli Peppers

How To Grow Peppers And Chilli Peppers

I have had a few people ask me for the best way to grow peppers and chilli peppers lately, so this post is my answer to those questions. I’ll take you through the whole process from seed germination to harvesting. Here’s the best way I’ve found for how to grow peppers and chilli peppers. How To Germinate Pepper And Chilli Pepper Seeds Peppers and chilli peppers grow best in hot climates, so it’s best to give them some heat to start them off. There are 2 ways to do this, the first is to wait until the soil in your… → Read More

Companion Planting Nettles

Companion Planting Nettles

Most gardeners spend a considerable amount of time trying to eradicate nettles along with other weeds. It’s true that left to get out of control a small patch of nettles will eventually take over the plot. However companion planting nettles can be of great benefit to the organic grower. Companion Planting Nettles Nettles spread so rapidly due to their quick growing root system but if kept under control, they can be a worthwhile addition to the vegetable patch. Why Grow Nettles ? Many beneficial insects are attracted to a patch of stinging nettles including :- Ladybirds Bees Butterflies (Particularly the Red… → Read More

Companion Planting Nasturtiums

Companion Planting Nasturtiums

Nasturtiums are a very pretty flower to add to your garden and they are also a useful ally in the organic garden. Companion planting Nasturtiums amongst any crop that gets attacked by aphids will help to save your crop. Use the Nasturtium as a sacrificial plant, aphids are attracted to nasturtiums and will attack them ahead of any other plant.. Companion Planting Nasturtiums Nasturtiums are not only useful as a trap crop but are also a great repellent to other plant pests. They can be grown easily and are a pretty plant attractive to many pests so are a very… → Read More

Garden Pests

Garden Pests

Quite a few people have recently been asking me about how to prevent garden pests, so this post is my reply. Garden Pests The garden will never be free from pests but with enough knowledge damage can be kept to a minimum. Never has the old saying “prevention is better than cure” been more apt than in the garden. Another old but true saying is “knowledge is power” so lets arm ourselves with a little knowledge. Know Your Enemy Garden pests come in all shapes and sizes. Ranging from Aphids to Foxes and all sizes in between. They all attack… → Read More

Using Scents To Keep Pests Away

Using Scents To Keep Pests Away

As with humans, so with the animal kingdom. Using scents to keep pests away is a pleasant way  of deterring those unwanted pests from your plants. If you wish to use only organic, humane ways to deter pests from your garden then this post is for you. Using Scents To Keep Pests Away By following this list pests can be deterred from either entering your garden or, at least they can be kept away from your vegetables. Ants Ants dislike, cinnamon, Cloves, Cayenne pepper, Curry powder, Lavender and mint. Sprinkle Cinnamon powder, Curry powder or a handful of Cloves around… → Read More

Poached Egg Plant Companion Planting

Poached Egg Plant Companion Planting

Companion Planting with Poached Egg Plants

There has been a trend recently of people wanting to fight insect infestations by organic/natural methods with the emphasis on companion planting and using Poached Egg Plants in particular. The problem with that as far as I can see is that there doesn’t seem to be much relevant information out there so I thought it was about time to dedicate a post on the subject. What Is A Poached Egg Plant The Poached Egg Plant (Latin name Limnanthes Douglasii) is an annual plant with open flowers that are white around the outside with a yellow middle that resembles a poached… → Read More