Horseradish is found growing wild in hedgerows and on wasteland. There are good reasons to take the time and effort to grow this plant. By companion planting horseradish you will benefit from the health giving properties of this plant.
Horseradish is a member of the brassica family but unlike other brassicas, horseradish exudes beneficial chemicals. It can become invasive and will spread from the tiniest piece of root. The best way to grow horseradish is to grow it in open ended buckets to contain the roots.
Companion Planting horseradish
Horseradish exudes oils that reduce the presence of fungal infections in the soil. It makes a good companion plant for many plants including:-
Horseradish and Potatoes

Grow horseradish in companion with potatoes to increase disease resistance in the potato patch. To find more on what you can plant with potatoes click the link.
Horseradish and Apple Trees

Plant horseradish under apple trees to keep the trees free from fungal infections. For more on companion planting apple trees click here.
Horseradish and Pear Trees

Many of the fungal infections that affect apple trees also affect pear trees. Grow horseradish under pear trees to benefit from this combination and enjoy a higher fruit yield. To learn more about companion planting pear trees click this link.
Horseradish and Plum Trees

For healthier plum trees and increased yield grow horseradish under your trees. Click this link to find out more about companion planting plum trees.
Horseradish and Cherry Trees

Include horseradish in the planting plan under cherry trees and enjoy more fruit, and healthier trees.
What Not To Grow With Horseradish
I can find no plants that do not get on with horseradish, however horseradish can become invasive so bear this in mind. The smallest piece of root will develop into a new plant and horseradish will soon take over the whole plot. To prevent this grow horseradish in bottom less plastic pots.
Horseradish and Brassicas

The main pest that bothers horseradish is the cabbage white caterpillar and this insect is also the main pests of all brassicas. Grow horseradish away from other brassicas as a trap crop to keep these pests away from your brassica crops. As horseradish is grown for its root damage to the leaves is not a serious problem.
Horseradish Spray
To deter many insects chop horseradish roots and steep in water. After 7 days strain this liquid into a spray bottle and apply to your crops. Keeps away aphids thrips and many more pests.
Not to be confused with the commercially produced nasal spray, and take care as horseradish can cause allergic reactions. For more on the effects of horseradish click here to link an article by the Washington Post