Beetroots are easy to grow and a very versatile vegetable, with no waste as both the roots and leaves can be consumed. Companion planting beetroot is a good way of maximising garden space and protecting your beetroot crop from pests.
Companion Planting Beetroot
A reasonably trouble free plant when it comes to pests and diseases but versatile in what it is compatible with. Due to the various colours available beetroots can be grown in amongst flowers as well as with other vegetables. There are varieties with deep purple stems and colours ranging from purple, red, yellow, and white are also available.
What to Grow With Beetroot
Not many pests to worry about when growing beetroot apart from birds after the young seedlings and of course, slugs. That said there are many plants that will be happy growing in companion with beetroot including:-
Beetroot and Swiss Chard

The old saying “birds of a feather flock together” is most appropriate here as beetroot definitely get on well with family members. Chard and beetroot both like the same conditions for growing and watering so growing them together makes sense.
Beetroot and Perennial Spinach

Another member of the same family, spinach grows well with beetroot although it’s good practise not to grow them too close because of root disruption when lifting beetroots.
Beetroot and Leaf Beet

Similar to Swiss chard, leaf beet is another relative that will grow well with beetroot. Don’t grow too close because of root disruption at harvest time, and keep a watch for slugs.
Beetroot and Cabbage

The large, leafy cabbage plants offer some protection for the growing beetroots and provide shade in hot sun. Beets will be happy with all members of the brassica family even swedes and kohl rabi.
Beetroot and Onions

Onions are great companion plants for disguising their neighbours from pests and keeping fungal infections away. Companion planting beetroot with onions also helps to protect the onions from thrip.
Beetroot and Lettuce

Just like spinach and chard, this leafy vegetable will do well growing in companion with beetroot. Lettuce spread their leaves allowing less room for weeds to grow which in turn means more water and nutrients for your crops. Click the link for more information on companion planting lettuce.
Beetroot and Dwarf Beans

All members of the legume family fix nitrogen in the air and so they don’t deplete the soil of this nutrient leaving more for your crops.
Beetroot and Marigolds

Marigolds attract slugs, so grow marigolds as a sacrificial plant to lure the slugs away from your beetroot. Click the link to find out more about marigold companion planting.
What Not to Grow With Beetroot
There are some plants that don’t do well together and below are the ones to keep away from beetroot.
Beetroot and Climbing Beans

Tall climbing beans like runner beans will have an adverse effect on your beetroots. this is mainly due to the competitiveness of these taller plants and the lack of sunlight getting to the beetroots.
Beetroot and Fennel

Fennel is one of those plants that will inhibit the growth of everything that is planted near them. They also attract slugs so even if you could get beets to grow with them they would get severe slug damage.