Are Daffodils Poisonous to Cats?

Are Daffodils Poisonous To Cats

The humble daffodil, made famous by Wordsworth’s poem are the pre runner to Spring. Cheerful, yellow flowers surrounded by green leaves marking the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring. But be warned, there is a dark side to these pleasant looking flowers, which leads to the question are daffodils poisonous to cats?

The effects from consumption of daffodils can be sudden or can take time to appear, but the sooner you act, the better.

Commonly Asked Questions Relating to Cats and Daffodils

Are Daffodils poisonous to Cats?

Yes daffodils are poisonous to cats. Due to them containing lycorine an emetic that causes vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, breathing irregularities, heart related problems and death. Daffodils also contain the chemical compound calcium oxalate which affects the kidneys.
are daffodils poisonous to cats when eaten

What to watch out for if your cat eats a daffodil

If you think your cat has eaten a daffodil, watch out for the following symptoms:- Sickness, diarrhoea, drooling, panting, mewling, lethargy, and difficulty swallowing.
what to look out for if your cat has eaten daffodils

What to do if your cat eats daffodils

Contact your vet immediately if you suspect that your cat has eaten a daffodil. If you can, take the plant with you so the vet is in no doubt to the cause of the problem.
What to do if your cat eats daffodils

Which part of the daffodil is poisonous for cats?

Unfortunately it’s the whole plant, from root, stalk, leaf, flower and the most poisonous is the bulb. Even the dust from the skin of the bulb is dangerous to your precious pets.Which part of the daffodil is poisonous for cats

What should you do if your cat drinks daffodil flower water?

If a vase of daffodils gets upset and your cat drinks any of the water or you suspect that they have, contact your vet at once. The harmful compounds found in the plant transfer to the water.
What should you do if your cat drinks daffodil flower water

Helpful Resources

If you are at all worried that your cat has consumed any part of the daffodil contact your vet immediately or for more information click on the links below.

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