Tag Archives: weather

Mindful Gardening

Mindful Gardening

Mindful Gardening

These days there is a buzz about mindfulness. As a gardener I got to thinking about mindful gardening and how to do it. so here goes. Mindful Gardening What is mindful gardening? Before I can answer this question let’s break the words up Mindful from the word Mindfulness so What’s Mindfulness? Mindfulness According to wikipedia “Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to the internal and external experiences occurring in the present moment, which can be developed through the practice of meditation and other training.” Gardening According to dictionary.com “the act of cultivating or tending a garden.” So… → Read More

Old Fashion Garden Sayings

old fashion gardening sayings

Red sky at night

There are a lot of old fashion garden sayings handed down through the years from our grandparents. Many times we dismiss them as sweet old ramblings. Once you look closely at them, you can see a lot of truth and it can be very helpful to remember these sayings and garden accordingly. So I have selected the ones I have heard most and I will share them with you in this post. Old Fashion Garden Sayings This first lot are mostly weather forecasts, I suppose using plants and nature as sign posts. “Red sky at night shepherds delight, red sky… → Read More