Tag Archives: parsley

Herbs In Vegtrug

Herbs In Vegtrug

I have the medium vegtrug, which is the largest one they make but looking through their brochure, they actually make a vegtrug herb garden. In fact they make 2 (more later), this got me thinking. It’s time to explore growing herbs in vegtrug. What Is Vegtrug? This company that appears to have bases in the UK and the US, manufacture wooden planters to a high standard. They are easy to assemble and constructed of treated wood that is safe to grow food in. There are a number of different planters available but we’re going to concentrate on their herb garden…. → Read More

Companion Planting Parsley

Companion Planting Parsley

Most plants either give or receive some benefit from being planted in companion with others. Not all plants, there are some exceptions but generally plants do better when planted together. Companion planting parsley is no exception so read on for what to grow with parsley and what not to grow with parsley. Companion Planting Parsley There are 2 main types of parsley, flat leaf parsley, and curly parsley. There are also 5 main varieties of parsley and all originated in Europe. Parsley is a biennial plant so it will give out it’s benefits for 2 seasons. Don’t just take my… → Read More

Companion Planting Citrus

Companion Planting Citrus

As our climate appears to be warming up, more and more areas are able to grow citrus trees. To get the best from citrus trees, it’s always good to companion plant and benefit from better pollination and insect control. As you will see companion planting citrus with other semi tropical plants is most beneficial, and as these plants are now easy to obtain it makes sense to apply this method. What Is Citrus? When I refer to citrus in this post I’m talking about all members of the citrus family. This includes:- Oranges Lemons Limes Grapefruit Pomelo Tangerines Kumquat For… → Read More

What to Grow in February

What To Grow In February

If you’re anything like me, by the end of January you can’t wait to start the growing season off again. Well this post will give you all the information you need to get srated as soon as the calendar turns. So let’s have a look at what to grow in February. What to Grow in February If you have the luxury of a greenhouse, even a unheated greenhouse, there’s a wide range of plants you can grow in February. If you don’t have a greenhouse then your options are slightly more limited but don’t despair. There are many ways to… → Read More

companion plants for cherry trees

Companion Plants for Cherry Trees

The idea of companion planting is to grow plants that compliment each other in some way. companion plants for cherry trees are mainly used to attract helpful pollinators like bees. Cherry trees blossom very early in spring, so it’s vital to get the flowers pollinated by early pollinators if you want those blossoms to become cherries. companion plants for cherry trees There are a few things to consider when growing cherry trees, not least of all, how wet the ground is. Cherries don’t tolerate standing water, so if your area is very wet and you have sodden soil maybe cherries… → Read More

companion plants for chillies

companion plants for chillies

Whether it’s through a lack of space, or just for a healthier, larger crop companion planting is always a good idea. The companion plants for chillies are all listed below and you should try to include at least some in your planting plan. They will help in either attracting pollinators or deterring pests or improving the conditions for your chillies to grow in. companion plants for chillies There are many plants that will help to enhance the health and vitality of your chillies, try to include as many as possible into your planting plan. Alliums and Chillies The allium family… → Read More

Companion Planting Celery [What To Grow With Celery]

Companion Planting Celery

Not the easiest of vegetables to grow, but so satisfying when you get it right and the taste of home grown is far superior. As with most crops, celery will benefit from being grown with helpful neighbours. Companion planting celery with the following will be good for one or both of them. Companion Planting Celery As with all plants when looking for suitable companion plants we need to look at plants that are compatible. Not only with each other, but also with the sunlight and soil conditions needed for growing celery successfully. So what does celery prefer? Celery originated in… → Read More

How To Get Rid Of Aphids On Roses (without chemicals)

How To Get Rid Of Aphids On Roses (without chemicals)

There’s nothing better than a healthy rose in full bloom to brighten up the garden but aphids can sap your plants health. There are many chemical applications for sale that claim to clear aphids but what harm are they doing to the environment? How to get rid of aphids on roses without chemicals gives you the safer and also the prettier alternatives. If you’ve come to this page then you probably already have an issue with aphids so read on for the best organic cures for aphid infestations on roses. For the most effective Sprays To Get Rid Of Aphids… → Read More

Companion Planting Catnip – The Benefits

companion planting catnip

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) also known as catnep, catswort, or catmint is a member of the mint family. Like all mints if planted with the correct plants catnip can be a very beneficial plant. Read on to find out the benefits of companion planting catnip. Companion Planting Catnip The Benefits Catnip has a strange, but not unpleasant smell and deters flea beetles, ants, aphids, weevils, cabbage white butterflies, and mice. It’s flowers attract many bees, hoverflies, and other pollinators. It also attracts parasitic wasps making catnip a very useful plant for the organic gardener. Companion Planting Catnip Just by looking at… → Read More

Companion Planting Parsley

Companion Planting Parsley

Parsley is a biennial plant, which means that it takes 2 years to set it’s seed. It also means that the benefits of companion planting parsley will last for 2 years before you need to resow seed. There are 2 types of parsley, curly leaf and flat leaf, and both types will give you the same benefits. Companion Planting Parsley A great herb for deterring pests and for attracting beneficial insects like parasitic wasps and hoverflies. Plants that will benefit from companion planting with parsley include:- Parsley and Asparagus The asparagus bed is unproductive for about 10 months of the… → Read More