Tag Archives: cauliflower

Companion Planting Sage

Companion Planting Sage

My son has a large pot full of sage and on my last visit I took a small cutting as sage will root easily. It’s a handy herb to use and companion planting sage will deter many pests and attract beneficial insects as well. Companion Planting Sage Sage deters cabbage white butterflies, flea beetles, and carrot root flies. Companion planting sage will benefit these plants:- Broccoli and Sage Plagued by cabbage white caterpillars, broccoli will benefit from the strong aroma from sage which will repel cabbage whites. As with all brassicas, broccoli is also susceptible to flea beetle damage and… → Read More

Companion Planting Catnip – The Benefits

companion planting catnip

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) also known as catnep, catswort, or catmint is a member of the mint family. Like all mints if planted with the correct plants catnip can be a very beneficial plant. Read on to find out the benefits of companion planting catnip. Companion Planting Catnip The Benefits Catnip has a strange, but not unpleasant smell and deters flea beetles, ants, aphids, weevils, cabbage white butterflies, and mice. It’s flowers attract many bees, hoverflies, and other pollinators. It also attracts parasitic wasps making catnip a very useful plant for the organic gardener. Companion Planting Catnip Just by looking at… → Read More

Don’t Waste Good Food

don't waste good food

We live in a throw away society now days, everything from cars to kitchen appliances are made to be replaced not repaired anymore. Well one place where we can all be greener and more frugal is with our vegetables. My advice is don’t waste good food. Don’t Waste Good Food There are plenty of people who don’t realise just how much food they are wasting. We learn certain processes throughout the course of our lives, and most never question them. Well I’m going to challenge your beliefs and hopefully get you to try some different approaches to using vegetables. Use… → Read More

Container veg growing

Most vegetables can be grown in containers. The bigger the container the better, I had best results with old flower buckets (morrisons sell them eight for a pound) fill with a good quality compost and feed and water regularly as pots and containers dry out quickly in dry spells. I have grown:- carrots calabrese cauliflower courgettes spring onions broad beans runner beans dwarf beans tomatoes turnips radishes potatoes peas with varied results. I found that courgettes grow well if the container is big enough, other squashes however, didn’t do so well I suspect that they need more space. I have also grown potatoes… → Read More