Tag Archives: beetroot

Companion Planting Cucumbers

Companion Planting Cucumbers

There are not many plants that don’t benefit from companion planting, which is another way of saying inter cropping. By companion planting cucumbers you will get less plant damage, healthier plants, and heavier crops. How Does Companion Planting Cucumbers Work? In some cases companion planting works by saving space, growing two or more plants that have the same requirements allows them all to grow successfully. Some plants will deter pests away from your cucumber plants, and some will attract beneficial pollinators. Whilst others will actually improve the health of your plants. Companion Planting Cucumbers Let’s get started with the good… → Read More

Companion Planting Brussels Sprouts

Companion Planting Brussels Sprouts

A native vegetable from Europe, the Brussels sprout has been grown since at least the middle ages. It is thought to have been developed from cottagers kale, and is a hardy vegetable, able to withstand harsh winters. Companion planting Brussels sprouts with other plants will help you grow healthier plants. Companion Planting Brussels Sprouts Along with other members of the brassica family, Brussels sprouts do well growing in companion with many other plants. This not only saves space, but also can enhance the health of both plants. So let’s get into the best companion plants for Brussels sprouts. Good Companion… → Read More

Easy Vegetables To Grow In Pots

Easy Vegetables To Grow In Pots

Not everyone has a large garden or allotment, but that doesn’t mean you can’t grow your own vegetables. There are many easy vegetables to grow in pots and in this post you’ll find the easiest. Even if you’ve never grown anything in your life, after reading this I guarantee you’ll be able to harvest your own home grown healthy vegetables. Easy Vegetables To Grow In Pots Some of the following are very easy to grow and some take slightly more care, so let’s start with the easiest and work up to the slightly more difficult. A quick word about seed… → Read More

What Not To Grow With Walnut Trees

What Not To Grow With Walnut Trees

For nearly 2,000 years there has been documented evidence of what not to grow with walnut trees. Pliny the Elder, the famous historian wrote “The shadow of the walnut tree is poison to all plants within its compass”. This allelopathic property is a toxin that helps to preserve the walnut tree from competitors. Back in the 1800s scientists discovered the compound juglone was responsible for killing near by plants. This compound is found in the leaves, branches, fruits, and is also excreted from the roots. Not all plants are bothered by juglone, but those that are will suffer from yellowing… → Read More

What to Grow in February

What To Grow In February

If you’re anything like me, by the end of January you can’t wait to start the growing season off again. Well this post will give you all the information you need to get srated as soon as the calendar turns. So let’s have a look at what to grow in February. What to Grow in February If you have the luxury of a greenhouse, even a unheated greenhouse, there’s a wide range of plants you can grow in February. If you don’t have a greenhouse then your options are slightly more limited but don’t despair. There are many ways to… → Read More

Companion Planting Arugula (Rocket Companion Plants)

Companion Planting Arugula (Rocket Companion Plants)

Learn how to improve your arugula (rocket) by using intercropping and plant association-In other words-Companion planting. Find out what does well with arugula and what not to grow with arugula.

Companion Planting Sweet Potatoes

Companion Planting Sweet Potatoes

Despite their name, sweet potatoes are not really potatoes at all, they are in fact members of the same family as morning glory and bindweed. The leaves and tubers of sweet potatoes are edible and they are relatively easy to grow. Companion planting sweet potatoes not only saves space but can also be beneficial to both plants. Unlike conventional potatoes, sweet potatoes do not grow from a tuber, but from the roots of a “slip”. A slip is a small plant with roots that can be purchased from all good suppliers. Alternatively you can grow your own from shop bought… → Read More

Companion Planting Leeks

Companion Planting Leeks

A popular member of the allium family, the leek can be useful as a companion plant. By companion planting leeks you can help to protect many plants from pests. Read on to discover all the benefits of companion planting leeks. Companion Planting Leeks The plants that do best when companion planted with leeks to keep pests away include:- Apple Trees and Leeks By planting leeks under apple trees you will help prevent scab on the apples. For more information on companion planting apple trees click here. Strawberries and Leeks Strawberries do well with any member of the allium family, and… → Read More

swiss chard companion plants

swiss chard companion plants

Although swiss chard looks similar to spinach they are not related, chard is actually a member of the beet family. The majority of plants will benefit from growing with other types of plant and swiss chard is no exception. Swiss chard companion plants will be of benefit to your plants in some way. swiss chard companion plants Like it’s near relative beetroot, swiss chard is relatively easy to grow with not much in the way of pests, with the exception of slugs and snails attacking young leaves. There are various types of chard, look out for rainbow chard which comes… → Read More

Companion Planting Catnip – The Benefits

companion planting catnip

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) also known as catnep, catswort, or catmint is a member of the mint family. Like all mints if planted with the correct plants catnip can be a very beneficial plant. Read on to find out the benefits of companion planting catnip. Companion Planting Catnip The Benefits Catnip has a strange, but not unpleasant smell and deters flea beetles, ants, aphids, weevils, cabbage white butterflies, and mice. It’s flowers attract many bees, hoverflies, and other pollinators. It also attracts parasitic wasps making catnip a very useful plant for the organic gardener. Companion Planting Catnip Just by looking at… → Read More