Tag Archives: aubergines

Companion Planting Fennel

Companion Planting Fennel

Most herbs are a useful ally to the organic gardener, but there is one that is the exception to that rule. That one is fennel, which is a shame because fennel is a great plant for keeping pests away. So let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of companion planting fennel. Companion Planting Fennel There are so many plants that won’t grow anywhere near fennel that it’s best to keep it away from pretty much everything. That said, there are a few worth mentioning so read on for some of the more interesting effects of companion planting fennel. The following… → Read More

What to Grow in February

What To Grow In February

If you’re anything like me, by the end of January you can’t wait to start the growing season off again. Well this post will give you all the information you need to get srated as soon as the calendar turns. So let’s have a look at what to grow in February. What to Grow in February If you have the luxury of a greenhouse, even a unheated greenhouse, there’s a wide range of plants you can grow in February. If you don’t have a greenhouse then your options are slightly more limited but don’t despair. There are many ways to… → Read More

Amaranth Companion Plants

Amaranth Companion Plants

Grown extensively throughout South America as a cereal crop, amaranth grows well in the UK during Summertime. The leaves and seeds are edible and the plant is decorative enough to grow in the flower bed. Most plants do better if grown with other, helpful plants, read on to benefit from amaranth companion plants. Amaranth Companion Plants In it’s native lands, amaranth is a perennial plant but here in the UK it only grows as an annual. This gives us a short season between frosts, so it’s companions will also be warm weather crops as well. Amaranth companion plants include:- Cucumbers… → Read More

What Grows Well With Raspberries

What Grows Well With Raspberries

Always expensive in the shops,raspberries make a great fruit for desserts and just to eat fresh. Raspberries are not that difficult to grow and are fairly undemanding to maintain. As with all plants they will do better with certain companions so what grows well with raspberries? What Grows Well With Raspberries The principles of companion planting are well known, some plants repel pests, some attract beneficial insects either to pollinate or as predators on the bad bugs. Some are sacrificial, taking the bad bugs away from your crop plant. Others share beneficial compounds through the soil whilst others do the… → Read More

Crop Rotation After Garlic

Crop Rotation After Garlic

I work to a 4 crop rotation plan, and in my plan the plant family that falls into crop rotation after garlic is solanum. That is the nightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, chillies, and aubergines. Garlic Crop Rotation Garlic and onions should follow brassicas, and be followed by potatoes. In a 4 crop rotation system garlic is only in the same bed every 4 years. This will keep soil bound pests and diseases at a minimum and improve the health of all crops. For the following year, as garlic is not a very heavy feeding plant, it should not… → Read More

Companion Planting Peas

Companion Planting Peas

All peas including snow peas are members of the Legume family, they all fix nitrogen from the air. This gives us gardeners two main advantages, firstly at the end of their growing season they add nitrogen to the soil (making it available for the following crop). Secondly when companion planting peas with other plants there is no competing for nitrogen. Companion Planting Peas The best plants to grow with peas are plants that thrive in the same environment with peas and have the same watering and nutritional needs. These include:- Carrots Sweet Corn Radishes Beans Celery Tomatoes Peppers Aubergines Parsley… → Read More

Companion Planting Basil [Benefits of Basil in the Garden]

companion planting basil

The herb Basil comes in many different varieties and all are as good as each other. Companion planting basil with many vegetables will give your plants a boost. Basil is to my mind a super herb. Companion Planting Basil Basil The Super Herb Basil releases an oil that helps other plants to improve on their best, either by deterring damaging insects or by enhancing the flavour of the fruit/vegetable. The aroma of basil is a spicy, aromatic fragrance that makes it so popular with cooks and chefs worldwide. It is that same smell that deters many insects including:- Aphids Whitefly… → Read More

The Benefits Of Epsom Salts

Nearly every modern gardening guide has a reference to Epsom Salts. So here is the growing-guides definitive guide to the benefits of Epsom Salts. What Are Epsom Salts? Epsom salts are a compound of magnesium sulfate not really a salt at all, but a naturally occurring mineral compound named after a spring found just outside Epsom in Surrey UK. The Benefits Of Epsom Salts There are many benefits from using Epsom Salts in the garden, but before we get into that lets explore exactly what Epsom Salts are. As stated earlier they are a compound of magnesium and sulfate. Both… → Read More